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Im folgenden finden Sie den Kommentar von Philip Hansten, bezgl. dem Klassifikationsmodell der Interaktionen.
Reviewer: Philip Hansten General Comments: This paper addresses a vitally important issue in the rational use of drug interaction information in the clinical setting. I believe this paper represents an important advance in the development of classification systems for drug interactions for the following reasons: 1. The transparency of the decision model is important. This means that people working in the field (as well as users) will be able to understand how the decisions are made, and it should provide a framework for people working in different centers to communicate effectively. This could be a real advance in the field of drug interactions. 2. The authors selected appropriate questions for the decision model. They addressed the factors that are important in the assessment of the clinical importance of drug interactions in the clinical setting. 3. I ran several drug interactions through their decision model, and I think the model could be developed into an excellent method for categorizing drug interactions for the product information. For example, colchicine plus clarithromycin would be a “DM-E” instead of merely being a strong caution as is currently the case in the US product information.
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Zeno Davatz
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